Use for questions about any version of Yii, an open-source MVC framework for writing web 2.0 applications in PHP5+
hi i am doing multiple file upload in yii... i have setup form to use multiple file upload like this... …
php yii yii-eventsi am newbee in yii and i am learning at this moment ... I am using in model this query to …
php forms yii associative-array dropdownboxMy Application is developed in PHP Yii Framework. My Application has a private network module where members of the network …
php jquery api yii documentviewerHello is it possible to add another delete button to Yii CGridView? I would like it to make an ajax …
ajax post gridview yii cbuttoncolumnI want to run some code in the onBeginRequest event. Where do I do that? I assume I am not …
php yii yii-eventsWell I had hybridauth working and login correctly using facebook since 2 weeks ago, I did not any change and this …
php facebook yii yii-extensions hybridauthI'm new to Yii framework, I need to create a confirm dialog to pop up before I submit a form. …
php yii yii-componentsOk, I need help with something that seems pretty straightforward but I just can't figure out. I have a page …
yii ajaxformBy default the delete button assigns itself to this function: jQuery('#main-orders-details-grid a.delete').live('click',function() { if(!confirm(…
jquery yii cgridviewI have the following Models : User with columns {id,user_name,password,user_type} Admin with columns {id,user_id,…
php yii yii-components