Top "Yii-cmodel" questions

CModel is one the basic classes of the yii framework for data model objects.


I am working on a Yii project. How can I use the ON DUPLICATE feature of MySQL ( http://dev.mysql.…

php mysql yii on-duplicate-key yii-cmodel
multi model forms in yii

How to create a multi-model form in Yii? I searched the entire documentation of Yii, but got no interesting results. …

php templates yii yii-cmodel yii-chtml
In Yii framework how can I Combine columns and show as display string in dropdownlist

I have a dropDownList in my view, it is populating from clients table, the table contains columns like first_name, …

php yii html.dropdownlistfor virtual-attribute yii-cmodel
Yii CGrid pagination and sorting with CArrayDataProvider doesnt work

I built a custom function in my model and return the raw data: function(){ ... $connection=Yii::app()->db; $…

php yii yii-cmodel zii-widgets
Yii Models: Using dynamic table name in a Yii model

I have a Yii model that will be using (later) multiple databases and the table prefix will be based on …

php yii yii-cmodel
How to use model object in Yii Controller and View

I have following method: public function actionIndex() { $companyModel = Company::model()->findAll(); $supplierProductModel = SupplierProduct::model()->findAll(); $this-&…

activerecord yii php yii-cmodel