Top "Xmlslurper" questions

XMLSlurper is a Groovy class that makes parsing and working with XML simpler than with Java.

How can I check for the existence of an element with Groovy's XmlSlurper?

I'm trying to determine whether an XML element exists with Groovy's XmlSlurper. Is there a way to do this? For …

xml groovy xmlslurper
How can I use relative paths to external response files for soapUI MockService

What I've Done I am using soapUI (3.6.1 Free version) mock services to serve up specific data to 2 client applications I …

groovy relative-path soapui xmlslurper
Groovy XmlSlurper vs XmlParser

I searched for a while on this topic and found some results too, which I am mentioning at the end …

xml groovy xml-parsing xmlslurper
Groovy XmlSlurper: Find elements in XML structure

Let's say there is the following XML structure: <Data> <DataFieldText> <DataFieldName>Field #1</DataFieldName&…

xml groovy xmlslurper
How to read XML file in groovy?

I am trying to read XML file in groovy with below lines of code def xml=new XmlSlurper().parse("C:\2011…

file groovy xmlslurper
Parse XML using Groovy and XmlSlurper and iterate the tags

I am able to parse XML through HTTP URL by using Groovy and XmlSlurper and output the values associated to …

xml groovy xml-parsing xmlslurper
Namespace handling in Groovys XmlSlurper

The situation: def str = """ <foo xmlns:weird="http://localhost/"> <bar>sudo </bar> <weird:…

xml parsing grails groovy xmlslurper
XmlSlurper.parse(uri) with HTTP basic authentication

I need to grab a data from XML-RPC web-service. new XmlSlurper().parse("http://host/service") works fine, but now I …

groovy basic-authentication xmlslurper
How to parse non-well formatted HTML with XmlSlurper

I'm trying to parse a non-well-formatted HTML page with XmlSlurper, the Eclipse download site The W3C validator shows several …

html groovy xmlslurper
Using XmlSlurper: How to select sub-elements while iterating over a GPathResult

I am writing an HTML parser, which uses TagSoup to pass a well-formed structure to XMLSlurper. Here's the generalised code: …

html parsing groovy xmlslurper