How to parse non-well formatted HTML with XmlSlurper

allprog picture allprog · Jan 23, 2015 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

I'm trying to parse a non-well-formatted HTML page with XmlSlurper, the Eclipse download site The W3C validator shows several errors in the page.

I tried the fault-tolerant parser from this post

@Grab(group='net.sourceforge.nekohtml', module='nekohtml', version='1.9.14')
import org.cyberneko.html.parsers.SAXParser 
import groovy.util.XmlSlurper

// Getting the xhtml page thanks to Neko SAX parser 
def mirrors = new XmlSlurper(new SAXParser()).parse("")    


Unfortunately, it looks like not all content is parsed into the XML object. The faulty subtrees are simply ignored.

E.g. page.depthFirst().find { it.text() == 'North America'} returns null instead of the H4 element in the page.

Is there some robust way to parse any HTML content in groovy?


Opal picture Opal · Jan 23, 2015

With the following piece of code it's getting parsed well (without errors):

@Grab(group='net.sourceforge.nekohtml', module='nekohtml', version='1.9.14') 
import org.cyberneko.html.parsers.SAXParser 
import groovy.util.XmlSlurper

def parser = new SAXParser()
def page = new XmlSlurper(parser).parse('')

However I don't know which elements exactly You'd like to find.

Here All mirrors are found:

page.depthFirst().find { 
    it.text() == 'All mirrors'


Both outputs are null.

println page.depthFirst().find { it.text() == 'North America'}

println page.depthFirst().find { it.text().contains('North America')}


Below You can find a working example that downloads the file and parses it correctly. I used wget to download the file (there's something wrong with downloading it with groovy - don't know what)

@Grab(group='net.sourceforge.nekohtml', module='nekohtml', version='1.9.14') 
import org.cyberneko.html.parsers.SAXParser 
import groovy.util.XmlSlurper

def host = ''
def temp = File.createTempFile('eclipse', 'tmp')

def cmd = ['wget', host, '-O', temp.absolutePath].execute()

def parser = new SAXParser()
def page = new XmlSlurper(parser).parseText(temp.text)

println page.depthFirst().find { it.text() == 'North America'}
println page.depthFirst().find { it.text().contains('North America')}


And finally problem solved. Using groovy's url.toURL().text causes problems when no User-Agent header is specified. Now it works correctly and elements are found - no external tools used.

@Grab(group='net.sourceforge.nekohtml', module='nekohtml', version='1.9.14') 
import org.cyberneko.html.parsers.SAXParser 
import groovy.util.XmlSlurper

def host = ''

def parser = new SAXParser()
def page = new XmlSlurper(parser).parseText(host.toURL().getText(requestProperties: ['User-Agent': 'Non empty']))

assert page.depthFirst().find { it.text() == 'North America'}
assert page.depthFirst().find { it.text().contains('North America')}