Xcode is an IDE by Apple for the development of iOS and OS X applications.
Xcode 7 Playgrounds now supports loading files from the nested Resources directory. I can get SKScene(fileNamed: "GameScene") when I have …
ios xcode swift-playground xcode7Is there an example code for corespotlight search feature - iOS 9 API? Really appreciate if can look at sample code …
objective-c xcode7 ios9 corespotlightHow to get the value of textfield in XCODE7 UITesting? var b = XCUIApplication().childrenMatchingType(.textField).elementBoundByIndex(0).stringValue
xcode7 xcode-ui-testingI am using the UI test APIs introduced in Xcode 7 XCTest. On my screen I have a text that is …
ios swift xctest xcode7 xcode-ui-testingI have been trying to fix this a few days before. I was adding JSQMessagesViewController to my iOS project. Added …
ios swift2 xcode7 jsqmessagesviewcontrollerI'm having a problem. I'm trying to implement Amazon frameworks in my ios xcode project and I also need to …
ios xcode frameworks xcode7I am using xcode 7.1 and trying to upload my app to the app store directly through xcode. While uploading I …
ios xcode app-store app-store-connect xcode7I am wondering is there any shortcut or hotkey that can apply the fix-it suggestion from Xcode? (Xcode 7) In Android …
xcode7 hotkeysXcode 7 beta 3 just installed some "additional components" (now Version 7.0 beta 3 (7A152u)), and now I'm getting a compiler error: ld: …
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