Top "Jsqmessagesviewcontroller" questions

JSQMessagesViewController is an elegant messages UI library for iOS (now deprecated).

Could not build Objective-C module 'JSQMessagesViewController'

I have two projects which both use JSQMessagesViewController, however in one of them I am getting the error: "Could not …

objective-c xcode swift jsqmessagesviewcontroller
"Cannot call value of non-function type"

I have just downloaded the Xcode 8 Beta so that I can include some of the new iOS 10 frameworks in my …

swift jsqmessagesviewcontroller
Failed to remove "Info.plist" couldn't be removed

I have been trying to fix this a few days before. I was adding JSQMessagesViewController to my iOS project. Added …

ios swift2 xcode7 jsqmessagesviewcontroller