Xcode is an IDE by Apple for the development of iOS and OS X applications.
I am trying to make an asynchronous call from Xcode 7 as follows and I end up seeing this error "NSURLErrorDomain" …
ios ajax xcode xcode7 nsurlerrordomainWhen running an XCT UI test it is possible to put the application under test in the background with: XCUIDevice().…
ios swift xcode7 xcode-ui-testingI updated to xCode 7.1 today and tried to build my app but I'm getting this error: I have already tried …
ios xcode google-maps xcode7 google-maps-sdk-iosAs of Xcode 7†, the xcodebuild export archive step has been giving us errors. Build command xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath "path/to/…
xcode rvm xcode7 xcodebuildI just updated to Xcode 7 and ran an app on a live device. Now for some reason, I get an …
ios xcode ios-simulator xcode7Is that possible to do drag and reorder from one section to another section from collectionview - iOS 9. Every time …
swift uicollectionview ios9 xcode7 uicollectionviewlayoutSo I had updated my XCode to 7.3 today evening. In one of my projects, I get the following error for …
swift xcode7I've migrated the app to iOS 9, and it works as usually, but there three log messages: <Error>: CGContextSaveGState: …
objective-c logging ios9 xcode7 crashlytics