Top "Xcode7" questions

Xcode is an IDE by Apple for the development of iOS and OS X applications.

Facebook Login - iOS 9 - Without Safari

It worked fine to login with logInWithReadPermissions in iOS 8, but as soon after the update to iOS 9 it keeps opening …

ios objective-c facebook ios9 xcode7
‘NSInternalInconsistencyException’ when running UITesting with Xcode 7

Ok, I’ve not been able to run this test in any betas so far. Some of the issues I’…

ios xcode swift xcode7 xcode-ui-testing
Swift: Nil is incompatible with return type String

I have this code in Swift: guard let user = username else{ return nil } But I'm getting the following errors: Nil …

ios swift xcode7 guard
UIApplication.sharedApplication() is unavailable

I just upgraded from XCode 6.4 to Xcode 7 GM and get started to change the code to be compliant with Swift 2. …

swift2 ios9 xcode7 openurl
How to symbolicate crash log with Xcode 7?

So the technique I was using with Xcode 6 appears to be deprecated, the script is not located in …

xcode7 symbolicatecrash
How to tap on a specific point using Xcode UITests

I want to use Xcode UI tests with the Fastlane Snapshot to make screenshots of the Cordova app. Basically, as …

ios swift xcode7 xcode-ui-testing fastlane-snapshot
Specify location for ipa file in Xcode 7 Ad-Hoc release

UPDATE: This issue is still present in Xcode 7.1 beta 2. Looks like this will be here a while. I just updated …

ios9 ipa xcode7
Xcode 7: ignore .xcscmblueprint in repository?

I noticed that Xcode 7 creates a new .xcscmblueprint file in the xcshareddata folder. Will it be always auto generated? Should …

xcode repository gitignore xcode7
Playground Import: No Such Module 'Foo'

I've diligently followed the Apple instructions to import a custom module into a playground, including the instructions here. And yet …

xcode swift xcode7 swift-playground
What can I delete from ~/Library/Developer/Xcode folder?

My ~/Library/Developer/Xcode folder is over 17 gigs in size. As I work in virtual machine (Parallels 12) with a 64 gig …

xcode xcode7