‘NSInternalInconsistencyException’ when running UITesting with Xcode 7

SuPotter picture SuPotter · Aug 28, 2015 · Viewed 18.2k times · Source

Ok, I’ve not been able to run this test in any betas so far. Some of the issues I’ve encountered are here and here

Now, I feel like I’m missing something.

Here’s my progress so far

  1. Enabled “UI testing” option while creating a new project. This, in fact adds a target for me. So I should be good to go - or so I thought. enter image description here
  2. The swift file under UI Testing had already “XCTest” imported and was a subclass of “XCTestCase”.
  3. setup() launches the application XCUIApplication().launch()
  4. And I added the following (by hitting the Record button) enter image description here

And then, I ran this test.

The whole thing fails even before the test is called, right after launching app in setup() with the following

*** Assertion failure in -[XCUIApplication init], /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/XCTest_Sim/XCTest-8170.3/XCTestFramework/UI Testing/XCUIApplication.m:76 /Users/UserName/Documents/Projects/Testing/UiTesting/UITestingApp/UITestingApp.swift:0: error: -[UITestingApp.UITestingApp testSimpleTap] : failed: caught "NSInternalInconsistencyException", "No target application path specified via test configuration:
productModuleName:(null) testsToSkip:(null) testsToRun:(null) reportResultsToIDE:no sessionIdentifier:<__NSConcreteUUID 0x7f93e146c0b0> F242796B-ED26-4AA7-861A-540D2D93CB8F pathToXcodeReportingSocket:(null) disablePerformanceMetrics:no treatMissingBaselinesAsFailures:no baselineFileURL:(null) targetApplicationPath:(null) targetApplicationBundleID:(null) reportActivities:no

Anyone run into this or has any suggestions on what I might be missing?

Note: I did set the “Target Application” of the UI Testing target to my app

Update: I noticed this is applicable to all beta/final releases of Xcode - updated title accordingly


Matt Bearson picture Matt Bearson · Sep 22, 2015

I had a similar issue and my mistake was trying to use UI testing code in a regular test target. Once I made a new target, starting with "iOS UI Testing Bundle" and copied the code there the error went away. Here's the thread that pointed me in the right direction: https://twitter.com/punksomething/status/609505357132500993 "Yeah, I was trying to use a UI test in a regular test target. Had to create a newly added UI Test target"