Top "Xcode6" questions

Xcode 6 is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE).

Finding cause of "Automatic Preferred Max Layout Width is not available on iOS versions prior to 8.0"

I know the reason of this warning and how to solve it: to give a preferred width to the label. …

xcode interface-builder xcode6 xcode6.1
Draw Ellipse in Swift using UIBezierPath

I have an UIViewController in which I want to draw a ellipse on the screen starting at CGPoint(x:160,y:160), …

swift ios8 xcode6 uibezierpath
Xcode 6 Error - "Missing Required Architecture i386" When Building for iOS Simulator

I have created a custom Objective-C framework. I would like to import it into any given iOS project and use …

ios architecture frameworks xcode6 i386
Umbrella Header for Module Bolts does not include header 'BFAppLinkResolving.h'

I'm running an xcode 6.3 project with Parse 1.7.1 (newest version), Swift. I'm getting this issue being raised on my builds. My …

xcode swift parse-platform xcode6 bolts-framework
Swipe gesture between view controllers

I am trying to create a swipe on background. I have three different color of backgrounds. I have made a …

ios cocoa-touch xcode6 xcode-storyboard swipe-gesture
Missing keyboard on iOS8 simulator?

I'm checking my app against iOS8 in the simulator and one thing that puzzles me is that when I tap …

keyboard simulator ios8 xcode6
IBOutlets and IBactions require ! in the end

I tried to start and go from Obj-C to Swift today and I was reading the documentation. I tried to …

ios swift xcode6 iboutlet
Failed to Import Bridging Header Error

I accidentally messed up my projects' settings while installing and then uninstalling cocoapods. I'm now getting the error "failed to …

ios objective-c swift xcode6 bridging-header
Xcode 6.2 - unable to archive a build

I recently updated to OSx 10.10.2 and Xcode 6.2. I have a Unity project I'm working on that I've made for iOS …

ios unity3d xcode6 itunes
Xcode Source Kit will not stop crashing with Swift

I need to find a solution to the super awesome "Source Kit Crashing" error with Swift. I have read many …

swift xcode6 xcode6.1 sourcekit