Xcode 6 is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE).
I know the reason of this warning and how to solve it: to give a preferred width to the label. …
xcode interface-builder xcode6 xcode6.1I have an UIViewController in which I want to draw a ellipse on the screen starting at CGPoint(x:160,y:160), …
swift ios8 xcode6 uibezierpathI have created a custom Objective-C framework. I would like to import it into any given iOS project and use …
ios architecture frameworks xcode6 i386I'm running an xcode 6.3 project with Parse 1.7.1 (newest version), Swift. I'm getting this issue being raised on my builds. My …
xcode swift parse-platform xcode6 bolts-frameworkI am trying to create a swipe on background. I have three different color of backgrounds. I have made a …
ios cocoa-touch xcode6 xcode-storyboard swipe-gestureI accidentally messed up my projects' settings while installing and then uninstalling cocoapods. I'm now getting the error "failed to …
ios objective-c swift xcode6 bridging-header