Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
Hi have a projets(including app extension) using cocoapods. (with Parse, Bolts, etc library). All work fine before (using bolts 1.1.5 …
ios xcode bolts-frameworkI'm running an xcode 6.3 project with Parse 1.7.1 (newest version), Swift. I'm getting this issue being raised on my builds. My …
xcode swift parse-platform xcode6 bolts-frameworkJust Now I see this announcement from Facebook about Bolts Framework for IOS. I can see this as main concept: …
ios facebook parse-platform bolts-frameworkNot sure what is the problem.. 91 symbols found duplicated for armv7 Am on a Swift project targeting iOS 7.1. Both frameworks …
ios facebook-ios-sdk bolts-frameworkAfter I install facebook sdk, when I build my project, it shows: ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/…
ios facebook cocoapods bolts-frameworkI do know Multiple dex problems have been reported a lot of times before, but none of the solutions seems …
java android android-support-library android-appcompat bolts-framework