Top "Bolts-framework" questions

Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.

Error "'sharedApplication' is unavailable: not available on iOS (App Extension)...." when compiling after pod update

Hi have a projets(including app extension) using cocoapods. (with Parse, Bolts, etc library). All work fine before (using bolts 1.1.5 …

ios xcode bolts-framework
Umbrella Header for Module Bolts does not include header 'BFAppLinkResolving.h'

I'm running an xcode 6.3 project with Parse 1.7.1 (newest version), Swift. I'm getting this issue being raised on my builds. My …

xcode swift parse-platform xcode6 bolts-framework
How to use Bolts Framework[Facebook+Parse]

Just Now I see this announcement from Facebook about Bolts Framework for IOS. I can see this as main concept: …

ios facebook parse-platform bolts-framework
FacebookSDK and Bolts conflicting each other (duplicate symbols) on build

Not sure what is the problem.. 91 symbols found duplicated for armv7 Am on a Swift project targeting iOS 7.1. Both frameworks …

ios facebook-ios-sdk bolts-framework
Why it shows "ld: framework not found Bolts"

After I install facebook sdk, when I build my project, it shows: ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/…

ios facebook cocoapods bolts-framework
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lbolts/AggregateException

I do know Multiple dex problems have been reported a lot of times before, but none of the solutions seems …

java android android-support-library android-appcompat bolts-framework