I tried to start and go from Obj-C to Swift today and I was reading the documentation. I tried to create an easy IBOutlet in Swift and it constantly gave me those errors.
View Controller has no initialiser
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") }
IBOutletproperty has non-optional type 'UILabel'
and that constantly pops up with this code:
@IBOutlet var outputLabel : UILabel
but when I add an ! mark, it's running without errors like so
@IBOutlet var outputLabel : UILabel!
Same thing happens for IBActions...
First of all get to know, what is actually !
and ?
: if the value can become nil in the future, so that you test for this.!
: if it really shouldn't become nil in the future, but it needs to be nil initially.@IBOutlet:
When you declare an outlet in Swift, the compiler automatically converts the type to a weak implicitly unwrapped optional and assigns it an initial value of nil
In effect, the compiler replaces @IBOutlet var name:
Type with @IBOutlet weak var name: Type! = nil
Xcode would change it and Force restrict on declare @IBOutlet
non option type variable , so following both kind of declaration for @IBOutlet
is Valid till date.
@IBOutlet var outputLabel : UILabel!
@IBOutlet var priceLabel : UILabel?
However, if you control drag an outlet for a label in beta 4 this happens:
@IBOutlet var priceLabel : UILabel! = nil