Top "Xcode6" questions

Xcode 6 is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE).

How to add buttons to navigation controller visible after segueing?

I have set up a view controller in Storyboard which is embedded in a navigation controller. In this nav controller …

ios xcode xcode6 xcode6-beta6
How to have folders first before any file in finder (Mac) programmatically?

I am new to Mac OS. I want to have the folders first before any other file in finder through …

xcode6 osx-mavericks osx-yosemite
Unable to determine simulator device to boot. - Xcode

I just downloaded Xcode 6 & played with it a bit. After switching back to previous version of Xcode and running …

ios xcode ios8 xcode6
iOS8 AVAudioSession setActive error

I'm testing my app in XCode 6 and find an issue with AVAudioSession in iOS8. When I call [[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setActive:…

avaudiosession ios8 xcode6
xcodebuild - codesign -vvvv says"resource envelope is obsolete"

I've just updated my xcode install to use xcode 6.0.1 in order to start compiling my app for ios8 devices. For …

xcode ios8 xcode6 xcodebuild codesign
Got Unrecognized selector -replacementObjectForKeyedArchiver: crash when implementing NSCoding in Swift

I created a Swift class that conforms to NSCoding. (Xcode 6 GM, Swift 1.0) import Foundation private var nextNonce = 1000 class Command: NSCoding { …

ios swift xcode6 nscoding
Should IBOutlet be weak or strong var?

I'm using Xcode 6.2 for iOS projects. In older versions of Xcode, when a connection was create for an IBOutlet, it …

swift xcode6 iboutlet ios8.2
iOS & Swift - How can I get and save a UIImage from the user?

I am writing a Swift app for iOS. I want to know how to get an image from the user's …

ios swift uiimage xcode6 camera-roll
What should I include in Xcode build settings in "Architectures" section

We were supporting iOS 6 & 7 previously for our universal iOS application (which means we support both iPhone and iPad). Now, …

ios7 ios6 ios8 xcode6 xcode5.1
BSXPCMessage received error for message: Connection interrupted

UPDATE: Reference #19285042 and submit bug reports to apple Very weird error and not finding anything online. Its saying "BSXPCMessage received …

ios objective-c xcode uiimageview xcode6