Xcode 6 is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE).
I have some custom controls I have created and I'm them using in a new project. However, I keep getting …
ios interface-builder xcode6 custom-controls ibdesignableI've upgraded XCode from 5.1.1 to XCode 6.0.1 recently. Now everytime I want to define a new UIImage object I get this …
xcode5 xcode6I've made a framework that requires the sqlite3 framework. How do I add a Objective-C Bridging Header for my framework …
swift ios8 xcode6 bridging-headerI am trying to use Helvetica CY font in my app. I have configured it as recommended by apple docs. …
ios objective-c fonts xcode6 truetypeI was folling this tutorial for Swift: https://www.raywenderlich.com/125311/make-game-like-candy-crush-spritekit-swift-part-1 and came across this code: func == (lhs: Cookie, …
ios swift xcode6In Sublime Text, it's easy to select the next instance of a word by pressing command + d and also place …
xcode xcode5 xcode6Xcode 5 helped in creating plist descriptor for enterprise ipa. Xcode 6 (6A313) creates ipa only. Is this a bug or intentional …
ios iphone xcode6 enterpriseI'm getting these errors: I can't tell exactly which thing it is talking about? If it is a 42 mm 2x, …
xcode xcode6 apple-watchI am trying to convert the following code to Swift: leftConstraint = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:self.contentView attribute:NSLayoutAttributeLeft relatedBy:0 toItem:self.…
ios swift xcode6 nslayoutconstraint