Xcode 6 is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE).
I am trying to submit my first app to the App Store but when I try I am getting the …
xcode ios8 storyboard xcode6 launchimageI have a .app file shared from a developer which i would like to run in iOS 8 simulator. I have …
ios xcode6 ios-simulator .appI have an automation running in the iOS Simulator that I have to remove before another run. How do I …
ios xcode ios-simulator xcode6 build-automationI have a new iPad Retina and I'd like to use it for development with Xamarin Studio and XCode 6. In …
ios xamarin.ios xcode6In Xcode 6, I need to set a custom bundle identifier for my app store target. I'm trying this: I tap …
ios xcode swift xcode6 bundle-identifierI have an UI element (UISwitch actually, but does not matter really) that has both leading and trailing space pinned …
ios ios8 autolayout xcode6 visual-format-languageToday I uploaded my first build of first app successfully to App Store for beta testing. After making a few …
xcode xcode6I seem to be having issues with integrating Xcode6 with jenkins, I currently have this setup and working with Xcode 5. …
ssh jenkins ios-simulator xcode6 xcodebuildI was working through my iOS Xcode project just fine, and then all of a sudden when I tried to …
ios objective-c xcode xcode6 info-plist