I have a new iPad Retina and I'd like to use it for development with Xamarin Studio and XCode 6. In the past, with XCode 5 you simply connect the device and click the button that says "Use for Development". But XCode 6 doesn't have that button anymore and when I try to build my application to the device in Xamarin Studio i get the error message saying "Could not install the application '/Users/jzacherl/Projects/CyCom/CyCom/CyCom/bin/iPhone/Debug/CyCom.app' on the device iPad: Your application failed code-signing checks. Check your certificates, provisioning profiles, and bundle ids. Probably your device is not part of the selected provisioning profile (error: 0xe8008015). ".
My application should support both iOS 7 and iOS 8. I've tried changing target deployment to and from 7 & 8 and I've tried restarting my mac/device and build/cleaning my project.
Despite the hints here and elsewhere, it took me awhile to find the exact solution. So, for others who are new to Xcode:
The navbar at the top of the main Xcode 6 window has a triangle run/play button, a square stop button, the app's name, then a target name, e.g. "iPhone 6" for one of the simulator options. The target name is actually a drop-down menu! That is where to select your actual device.
Now click the triangle button to build & run. Likely result: "No non-expired provisioning profiles are installed" with a button to "Fix Issue". Click that, wait a bit ... done!
Hat tip (and screenshots): http://www.bignerdranch.com/we-teach/how-to-prepare/ios-device-provisioning/#loc-provisioning-easy
Cross reference to a later question with a more descriptive title: There is NO Use for Development in Xcode's Organizer window