Top "Wss" questions

WSS stands for Windows SharePoint Services, SharePoint Server 2007's "little" brother.

Update Sharepoint List Item

I got following error... System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.…

c# sharepoint wss
SharePoint interview questions

Let's have a list of some good interview questions for SharePoint developers. Please provide one question per entry, and if …

sharepoint moss wss
Upload a file to SharePoint through the built-in web services

What is the best way to upload a file to a Document Library on a SharePoint server through the built-in …

sharepoint wss
How to link to a folder in document library from sharepoint list item?

Background: I have an items on the sharepoint list. I also have a corresponding folder in a document library that …

sharepoint workflow wss
Can I copy files to a Network Place from a script or the command line?

Is it possible, in Windows XP, to copy files to a Network Place from the command line, a batch file …

powershell scripting command-line moss wss
SharePoint list CAML query using CONTAINS

I'm trying to query a SharePoint list using the following CAML query in a webpart. I have tested the query …

sharepoint wss caml
Proxy websocket wss:// to ws:// apache

i searched alot but i couldnt connect my websocket to wss:// , i found that there is a way to proxy …

apache websocket wss proxypass
How to get SPUser Object using user id (domain_name\userid)

I have the login ID of that user. But in the code I want to convert that login name into …

sharepoint moss wss
get users by group in sharepoint

can anyone show me how to get the users within a certain group using sharepoint? so i have a list …

c# sharepoint moss console wss
Edit only owned list items in Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0

Is there a way to limit the "edit item" permission in WSS 3.0 to only allow a user to edit his …

sharepoint permissions wss wss-3.0