Top "Wss" questions

WSS stands for Windows SharePoint Services, SharePoint Server 2007's "little" brother.

Sharepoint Deleting an Item from a list using UpdateListItems WebService

I am trying to delete an item from a list and have the following xml <Batch PreCalc='TRUE' OnError=…

sharepoint moss wss caml
is there any secure websocket (wss protocol) client browser plugin available?

we would like to test our secure websocket (i.e wss) end point. I am looking for easy tool to …

plugins websocket client wss
Accessing Sharepoint Web Services without authentication

Is it possible to access a sharepoint web service without authenication? If you can't do it directley can you think …

sharepoint moss wss
django channels behind https

Django-channels websocket was working well on a AWS server until I installed letsencript ssl. I tried another certificate but the …

python django ssl wss django-channels
Zaphoyd websocketpp and wss (TLS) Client Example

I have need for fast, secure and portable websockts so I have been digging around the internet and I came …

c++ ssl wss websocket++
How do you instantiate a SPWeb Object from a console app?

I am trying to write a console app that simply lists the number of lists at the sharepoint root. I …

sharepoint wss