Can I copy files to a Network Place from a script or the command line?

Abs picture Abs · Aug 13, 2008 · Viewed 55.8k times · Source

Is it possible, in Windows XP, to copy files to a Network Place from the command line, a batch file or, even better, a PowerShell script?

What sent me down this road of research was trying to publish files to a WSS 3.0 document library from a user's machine. I can't map a drive to the library in question because the WSS site is only available to authenticate via NTLM on a port other than 80 or 443. I suppose I could alternately use the WSS web services to push the files out, but I'm really curious about the answer to this question now.


seanyboy picture seanyboy · Aug 18, 2008

Using a batch file, you can both log on to the resource and copy the file:

The Batch File would contain the following:

net use \\{dest-machine}\{destfolder} {password} /user:{username}
copy {file} \\{dest-machine}\{destfolder}


net use \\Development\myfolder mypassword /user:Administrator
copy newfile.c \\development\myfolder