Top "Proxypass" questions

ProxyPass in Apache, and proxy_pass in nginx, are directives used to specify which backend or remote server should handle the incoming http request

Nginx reverse proxy causing 504 Gateway Timeout

I am using Nginx as a reverse proxy that takes requests then does a proxy_pass to get the actual …

nginx reverse-proxy proxypass http-status-code-504
How to add a response header on nginx when using proxy_pass?

I want to add a custom header for the response received from the server behind nginx. While add_header works …

nginx http-headers proxypass
apache ProxyPass: how to preserve original IP address

We are using ProxyPass to redirect all "/r" requests to jboss on port 18080 as follows: ProxyPreserveHost on ProxyPass /r http://…

apache redirect proxypass
Set up an HTTP proxy to insert a header

I need to test some HTTP interaction with a client I'd rather not modify. What I need to test is …

apache proxy http-headers proxypass
Configure Nginx with proxy_pass

I'm trying to configure Nginx to proxy stuff on a subdomain: I want to …

nginx reverse-proxy proxypass
Ajp invalid message received with signature

I am using Tomcat 7.0.29 fronted with Apache 2.2.22 modproxy. Configured Ajp as the protocol in httpd.conf and AjpNioProtocol in server.…

apache2 tomcat7 mod-proxy proxypass
Nginx proxy_pass with $remote_addr

I'm trying to include $remote_addr or $http_remote_addr on my proxy_pass without success. The rewrite rule works …

nginx proxypass
Setup nginx not to crash if host in upstream is not found

We have several rails apps under common domain in Docker, and we use nginx to direct requests to specific apps. …

nginx url-rewriting proxypass
NginX trailing slash in proxy pass url

I know that this question has been asked multiple times but after a trying a lot of solutions I am …

nginx proxy proxypass
ProxyPassMatch with ProxyPassReverse

Folks, We are trying to setup Apache reverse proxy for the following scenario: Incoming requests take the form http://foo.…

apache reverse-proxy proxypass