Top "Apache2" questions

Apache (HTTP Server) /əˈpætʃiː/ is a modular cross-platform web server software with a large variety of features(called modules) including SSL, compression, log, proxy and server-side programming language interfaces like Perl, Python, Tcl, and PHP.

Apache2: 'AH01630: client denied by server configuration'

I get this error when trying to access localhost via a browser. AH01630: client denied by server configuration I checked …

server apache2 apache2.4
Configure apache to listen on port other than 80

I use centOS server. I want to configure apache to listen on port 8079. I added LISTEN 8079 directive in httpd.conf. …

apache2 apache-config
Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name

I have just installed Apache 2.2.17, and I am using it first time. Now when I try to start the server …

apache2 fedora
CodeIgniter removing index.php from url

My current urls look like this [mysite]index.php/[rest of the slug]. I want to strip index.php from …

php .htaccess codeigniter apache2
Windows could not start the Apache2 on Local Computer - problem

During the installation of Apache2 I got the following message into cmd window: Installing the Apache2.2 service The Apache2.2 service …

windows windows-xp apache2
How to reload apache configuration for a site without restarting apache?

I have edited the variable AllowOverride for one of my websites in sites-enabled directory. How do I reload the new …

Only variable references should be returned by reference - Codeigniter

After the server PHP upgrade I am getting the following error with PHP Version 5.6.2 on Apache 2.0 A PHP Error was …

php apache codeigniter apache2 codeigniter-2
Site does not exist error for a2ensite

I have under /etc/apache2/sites-available with the following code, <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName …

apache apache2 virtualhost
ini_set("memory_limit") in PHP 5.3.3 is not working at all

I had this working before : echo ini_get("memory_limit")."\n"; ini_set("memory_limit","256M"); echo ini_get("memory_…

php memory apache2 debian
How to enable loglevel debug on Apache2 server

My error.log contains: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase …

debugging apache2 error-logging