Top "Http-status-code-504" questions

504 Gateway Timeout.

Nginx reverse proxy causing 504 Gateway Timeout

I am using Nginx as a reverse proxy that takes requests then does a proxy_pass to get the actual …

nginx reverse-proxy proxypass http-status-code-504
504 Gateway Time-out The server didn't respond in time. How to fix it?

The client requested to download a compressed log file, using Ext.js a form submission on an embedded iframe. Request …

apache servlets extjs jboss http-status-code-504
What can I do to fix a 504 gateway timeout error?

I have been using jquery to try and pull data from an API. However I am getting a 504 error. Even …

Git Error: The requested URL returned error: 504 Gateway Timeout while accessing http://

I am using a VM provisioned by my company's internal cloud (KVM) - RHEL 6.4. I am able to clone external …

git http-status-code-504
WCF - (504) The server did not return a response for this request

I have a JSONP WCF Endpoint and am trying to track down why I am getting a 504 error. HTTP/1.1 504 Fiddler …

c# wcf http-status-code-504
504 Gateway Timeout - Two EC2 instances with load balancer

This might be the impossible issue. I've tried everything. I feel like there's a guy at a switchboard somewhere, twirling …

amazon-ec2 load-balancing http-status-code-504
nginx 504 Gateway Time-out

I'm running a rails3.0.7 project with phusion-passenger on nginx. While I was doing a ajax which took about 15 mins to …

ruby-on-rails nginx passenger http-status-code-504
504 Gateway Time-out Error on PHP Script

I coded a script for database import, it makes a few jobs on database. When I work this script, after …

php timeout http-status-code-504
HTTP Error 504: Gateway Time-out when trying to read a reddit comments post

I am encountering an error when trying to get a comments' http from reddit. This has happened to various URLs (…

python web-scraping urllib2 reddit http-status-code-504
504 Gateway Timeout from an IIS Server

I am using a web Server based on IIS,I am using an Infor Application which is trying to fetch …

iis-7.5 http-status-code-504