Top "Wpfdatagrid" questions

A graphical user interface element that presents a tabular view of data.

Warn about CapsLock

I have a DataGridTemplateColumn with DataTemplate as a PasswordBox. I want to warn user if CapsLock is toggled. private void …

wpf wpfdatagrid capslock
MvvmLight EventToCommand and WPFToolkit DataGrid double-click

Trying to figure out how to use EventToCommand to set a datagrid double click handler for rows. The command lives …

c# mvvm mvvm-light wpfdatagrid wpftoolkit

How do I set the MaxLength property of the DataGridTextColumn?

wpf wpftoolkit wpfdatagrid maxlength datagridtextcolumn
How to determine whether a WPF DataGrid is in edit mode?

Possible Duplicate: Code to check if a cell of a DataGrid is currently edited Is there a way to determine …

wpf datagrid wpfdatagrid editmode
WPF DataGridTextColumn Tooltip

Is there a way to add tool tip to DataGridColumn header and still retain the sorting functionality. The below code …

wpf wpf-controls wpfdatagrid datagridcolumn
Filter WPF DataGrid values from TextBox in Column Header

I followed the advice in the following link (filter wpf datagrid values from a textbox) to create Figure A. Which …

c# data-binding datagrid wpfdatagrid wpf-4.0
Datagrid (WPF) Column styling programmatically (not xaml)

I have looked on SO but haven't found an exact answer to what I am looking for. I have a …

wpf datagrid wpfdatagrid datagridtemplatecolumn
Drag Drop Row behavior on WPF DataGrid

I am trying to make an attached behavior to reorder rows bby doing Drag & Drop I found some solution (…

c# wpf drag-and-drop wpfdatagrid attachedbehaviors
DataGrid RowDetails Width problem

Suppose I have a DataGrid that is defined like this <DataGrid AreRowDetailsFrozen="True" ItemsSource="{Binding MyCollection}" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> &…

wpf datagrid wpfdatagrid rowdetails
wpf ObjectDataProvider method parameter bind to combobox selected value

I'm dealing with a problem in WPF binding. I'm creating a user control which present a datagrid, fiiltered by 2 possible …

wpf combobox wpfdatagrid objectdataprovider