Top "Datagridcolumn" questions

A class that presents a data column in a datagrid.

WPF - DataGrid Column with Width="*", but MinWidth to Fit Contents

What would be the best/right way to have a set of DataGrid columns have proportional width (Width="\*"), but to …

wpf xaml datagrid width datagridcolumn
cannot find Name of DataGridColumn programmatically

I found the Columns collection in my datagrid, and was hoping to iterate through it to find a certain column …

wpf wpfdatagrid datagridcolumn
How to get DataGridColumnHeader from DataGridColumn?

My code is as follows: void mainDataContextObj_CutSelectedColumnEvent(string columnId) { IList<DataGridColumn> columns = dg.Columns; for(int i=2; …

wpf datagrid header datagridcolumn
Automatically resize width of DataGridCoulmn/AdvancedDataGridColumn to fit content

I want that the DataGridColumn or AdvancedDataGridColumn would automatically resize it's width so as to fit the content within.. I'm …

apache-flex datagridcolumn
Binding DataGrid Column DataTemplate to Attached Property

I am trying to customize a DataGridColumnHeader to show multiple text fields instead of showing only the header text provided …

wpf datatemplate datagridcolumn datagridcolumnheader
WPF DataGridTextColumn Tooltip

Is there a way to add tool tip to DataGridColumn header and still retain the sorting functionality. The below code …

wpf wpf-controls wpfdatagrid datagridcolumn
How to Resize Dynamically width of a WPF DataGrid Column?

I Have a DataGrid in my Window, and i need to automatically resize the column's width to fit content. But …

c# wpf datagrid width datagridcolumn
Flex DataGridColumn display multiline string data

Is it possible to display a multiline string in a Flex DataGridColumn? i.e. Display: Text line one. Text line …

apache-flex string text multiline datagridcolumn