Top "Datagridtextcolumn" questions

Represents a DataGrid column that hosts textual content in its cells.

How do I Add a Tooltip To a DataGridTextColumn

I'm using WPFtoolkit DataGrid ,I have to wrap text in a DataGridTextColumn or I have to add a ToolTip to …

wpf datagrid tooltip datagridtextcolumn
WPF C# Data-binding to DataGridTextColumn

I'm having a difficult time getting any data in this datagrid view to appear. I've followed some suggestions in a …

c# wpf xaml datagrid datagridtextcolumn
Create style for TextBlock in DataGridTextColumn

I want to create a global style that sets the VerticalAlignment to Center for all TextBlock controls inside a DataGrid …

wpf datagrid styles datagridtextcolumn
How to set DataGridTextColumn text color?

I'm trying to change the color of a DataGridTextColumn. Here's what I'm doing: <DataGridTextColumn Header="Status" Binding="{Binding IsActive, …

c# wpf xaml wpfdatagrid datagridtextcolumn
Masking password column in datagridview

I'm having problem with masking the password column. The code below works, but it doesnt work the way I want. …

c# winforms passwords datagridviewcolumn datagridtextcolumn
WPF DataGrid cell string format as a style or template

I tried several ways to factor out the format of a cell in a WPF DataGrid (the one provided with .…

wpf datagrid datagridtemplatecolumn string-formatting datagridtextcolumn

How do I set the MaxLength property of the DataGridTextColumn?

wpf wpftoolkit wpfdatagrid maxlength datagridtextcolumn
Template for WPF DataGridTextColumn ElementStyle and EditElementStyle with Binding

I have a WPF DataGrid that has 10 DataGridTextColumns displaying numeric data that require identical formatting. I want the EditingElementStyle number …

wpf data-binding .net-4.0 datatemplate datagridtextcolumn