Top "Datagridviewcolumn" questions

In WinForms DataGridViewColumn class represents a column in a DataGridView control.

How can I right-align text in a DataGridView column?

How can I right-align text in a DataGridView column? I am writing a .NET WinForms application.

.net winforms datagridview datagridviewcolumn
Search for value in DataGridView in a column

I want the user to be able to search for a number in a column in the DataGridView (dgv). The …

c# winforms datagridview datagridviewcolumn
How to hide column of DataGridView when using custom DataSource?

I have a small app in c#, it has a DataGridView that gets filled using: grid.DataSource = MyDatasource array; MyClass …

c# .net datagrid datagridview datagridviewcolumn
Get a DataTable Columns DataType

DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(gridColumn1, typeof(bool))); I was expecting the result of the below …

c# .net datatable datagridviewcolumn
How to set DataGridView textbox column to multi-line?

How to let "DataGridViewTextBoxColumn" in DataGridView supports Multiline property?

c# .net datagridview datagridviewcolumn
How to get cell value of DataGridView by column name?

I have a WinForms application with a DataGridView, which DataSource is a DataTable (filled from SQL Server) which has a …

c# winforms datagridviewcolumn
C# DataGridViewButtonCell set buttons text

I need to add my DataGridViewButtonCell to Column, and I need to name each other with different names. But I …

c# winforms datagridview datagridviewcolumn datagridviewbuttoncolumn
Datagridview remove all columns

Is it possible in a single hit to remove all columns from a datagrid? I know I could loop though …

c# datagridview datagridviewcolumn
How to Change Format column in Datagridview to date type for this value

For example, I have a value like this : 41607.2069444444; 41607.2068402778; 41607.2072222222; this is calculation of dateTimeOrigination from CDR, in excel where i change … datagridviewcolumn
How can I center the heading in a column on a DataGridView?

I have a strange problem and it's probably a simple fix, but after much research, I cannot seem to find … winforms datagridview datagridviewcolumn