Top "Datagridtemplatecolumn" questions

Represents a DataGridColumn customizable implementation

WPF - How to bind a DataGridTemplateColumn

I am trying to get the name of the property associated with a particular DataGridColumn, so that I can then …

c# wpf binding datagrid datagridtemplatecolumn
How can I sort a DataGridTemplateColumn on a WPF Toolkit DataGrid?

I have a WPF Toolkit DataGrid with one DataGridTemplateColumn. I've specified in a grid attribute that I wish all columns …

wpf sorting wpftoolkit datagridtemplatecolumn
WPF DataGridTemplateColumn with ComboBox Binding (MVVM pattern)

I'm going bonkers with the following WPF DataGrid+ComboBox scenario. I have a set of classes which look like; class …

wpf datagrid combobox binding datagridtemplatecolumn
Add a Image in the DataGridTemplateColumn

BitmapImage im = new BitmapImage(); string path1 = @"C:\abc.png"; im.UriSource=new Uri(path1); DataGridTemplateColumn one = new DataGridTemplateColumn(); this.dataGrid1.…

wpf datagrid datagridtemplatecolumn
WPF DataGrid DataGridTemplateColumn ComboBox ItemSource

I'm trying to create a very simple CRUD WPF application. I have a datagrid with 2 columns, ID, and Category. For …

wpf datagrid combobox datagridtemplatecolumn itemsource
How to access datagrid template column textbox text WPF C#

I need to access the text in a DataGrid's template column from code behind, but I don't know how. I …

wpf datagrid wpfdatagrid datagridtemplatecolumn
DataGridTemplateColumn : Items collection must be empty before using ItemsSource.

Why is the error code : <dg:DataGrid Name="dataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="False" HeadersVisibility="Column" SelectedIndex="-1" Margin="0,315,0,0" Background="#FF484040" BorderBrush="#…

wpf datagrid binding datagridtemplatecolumn
WPF DataGrid: Automatically re-sort on a DataGridTemplateColumn

In WPF's DataGrid control, if you set a column to one of the default column types (like DataGridTextColumn or DataGridCheckBoxColumn), …

c# wpf datagrid datagridtemplatecolumn
Styling columns based on DataGridTemplateColumn in a WPF DataGrid

I am using a WPF DataGrid where one of the columns has a requirement to show an "Edit" hyperlink if …

wpf datagridtemplatecolumn
What is the code behind for datagridtemplatecolumn, and how to use it?

I have a DataGrid in WPF. And I am trying to add Buttons to certain cells of the grid, after …

wpf datagrid datagridtemplatecolumn