Represents a DataGridColumn customizable implementation
I need to create a common DataGridTemplateColumn, so that I can use it across my application with different objects and …
wpf xaml datagridtemplatecolumnI wish that by default the columns uses the AutoSizeMode = DisplayedCells; but I wish also the possibility to resize the …
c# winforms datagridview autoresize datagridtemplatecolumnIn WPF datagrids, I have a column defined as DataGridTemplateColumn which I'll need to be using on all kinds of …
wpf resources datagridtemplatecolumnI've got a datagrid I've bound to a SqlDataApter. If I set up the XAML for the grid using DataTextColumn …
wpf data-binding datagrid datagridtemplatecolumn two-way-bindingI have several instances where I would like to have several controls in a single column in a datagrid. For …
wpf datagrid datagridtemplatecolumnI tried several ways to factor out the format of a cell in a WPF DataGrid (the one provided with .…
wpf datagrid datagridtemplatecolumn string-formatting datagridtextcolumni'm trying to create a DataGrid with a column of checkboxes. On that CheckBox-column's header, i'd like to have a "…
.net wpf data-binding mvvm-light datagridtemplatecolumnThis has been asked several times with different variations but I can't get any of them to work. I'm trying …
wpf mvvm datagridtemplatecolumn datagridviewcheckboxcellI am using Microsoft WPF datagrid. I have noticed a strange behavior with WPF datagrid DataGridTemplateColumn. When you use the …
wpf datagrid datagridtemplatecolumnI am working on a Silverlight application which makes an extensive use of Prism, the MVVM pattern and MEF. For …
c# silverlight mvvm binding datagridtemplatecolumn