Top "Objectdataprovider" questions

provides data binding for XAML in Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 4

WPF binding of string property and Button.Content

I want to bind string property with Button.Content. But why it didn't work? The data class: namespace test4 { public …

wpf data-binding objectdataprovider
Instantiate and reuse instances of objects in XAML

I want to instantiate objects in XAML, and reuse these instances. I think it should be simple but I'm stuck, …

wpf xaml object objectdataprovider instances
Bind enum with ObjectDataProvider

I have an enum that bind to a ComboBox in my view. public enum MyItems { [Browsable(false)] Item1, [Browsable(true)] …

wpf mvvm binding enums objectdataprovider
wpf ObjectDataProvider method parameter bind to combobox selected value

I'm dealing with a problem in WPF binding. I'm creating a user control which present a datagrid, fiiltered by 2 possible …

wpf combobox wpfdatagrid objectdataprovider
Is it possible to bind WPF Combobox.SelectedValue to multiple ObjectDataProviders?

Trying to determine if it is possible to bind the SelectedValue of a ComboBox to the inputs of multiple ObjectDataProviders …

wpf wcf data-binding objectdataprovider
WPF designer error Value cannot be null. Parameter name: pattern

I've seen a lot of other ObjectDataProvider questions where the Parameter name: type, name, whatever, cannot be null. Those questions …

c# wpf xaml objectdataprovider
How to pass value to ObjectDataProvider.MethodParameters dynamically in runtime

I wrote this code: public class CustomData { public int F1 { get; set; } public int F2 { get; set; } public string F3 { …

c# wpf c#-4.0 objectdataprovider
WPF Binding to a method with parameter inside HierarchicalDataTemplate

Is there any way to bind a value to a textblock that is obtained from a method. For example, I …

wpf binding datatemplate hierarchicaldatatemplate objectdataprovider