Top "Worksheet-function" questions

A worksheet function is represented by a keyword in an Excel formula that performs some action on input and returns output to the calling procedure, either a worksheet cell or another function.

Sum or Count until?

I'm trying to make my Compliance Worksheet more efficient. I have a list of controls in sections (and sub-sections), and …

excel count sum worksheet-function
Comparing two columns in Excel with exclusion

I want to compare values in two columns in Excel as depicted in the image below :- Using the formula, …

excel excel-2007 worksheet-function
Worksheet position out of range. Connection Closed. When using EPPLUS

I am trying to open an XLSX file as a template (I have even used a blank XLSX file), using …

excel worksheet-function epplus worksheet epplus-4
Get values from last 3 non-blank cells in a row

I currently have an excel worksheet similar to the following (#'s represent blank cells) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 37 21 30 32 25 22 34 # 17 26 28 27 17 31 # # # # # # 38 25 23 27 35 33 # # 27 11 23 # # # # In column 8 I need the sum …

vba excel worksheet-function
Nested IF statements in Excel [Over the 7 allowed limit]

I am trying to create a spreadsheet which automagically gives a grade to a student based on their marks they …

excel vba if-statement nested worksheet-function
Filling down a VLOOKUP formula without changing the range

I am comparing values in a row in one sheet to values in another row in another sheet. The following …

excel excel-formula vlookup worksheet-function
Adding up all the positive numbers in Excel

Is there a way to add up all of the positive numbers in a row/column but ignoring all of …

excel sum worksheet-function
Conditional Excel Sum based on dates range

I have got a spreadsheet in where dates are in column B and values are in column E. Dates are …

excel worksheet-function conditional-operator sumifs
How can I perform functions on a specified subset of rows?

I want to find the max (min, average, etc.) of a column but only for the subset of rows where …

excel worksheet-function gnumeric
How do I count not equal to wildcard characters in Excel?

Using COUNTIF(range,"<>") can I count non-empty cells and with COUNTIF(range,"~?") or COUNTIF(range,"~*") can I calculate …

excel excel-2007 worksheet-function countif