Nested IF statements in Excel [Over the 7 allowed limit]

Alks picture Alks · Mar 17, 2010 · Viewed 13.9k times · Source

I am trying to create a spreadsheet which automagically gives a grade to a student based on their marks they got.

I've apparently hit Excel's nested IF statement limit which is 7.

Here's my if statement:


I was reading online that I could create a VBA script and assign it that, but I dont know anything about if someone could help me write a VBA for this, would be awesome.

Its still missing the C- grade and anything lower should be awarded a D mark.

This is the grading scheme I am trying to create...:

A+ 89.500 - 100.000 Pass with Distinction

A 84.500 - 89.490 Pass with Distinction

A- 79.500 - 84.490 Pass with Distinction

B+ 74.500 - 79.490 Pass with Merit

B 69.500 - 74.490 Pass with Merit

B- 64.500 - 69.490 Pass with Merit

C+ 59.500 - 64.490 Pass

C 54.500 - 59.490 Pass

C- 49.500 - 54.490 Pass

D 0.000 - 49.490 Specified Fail

I wouldn't mind going down the VBA route, however my understanding of VB language is absolutely minimal (don't like it)...if this gets too tedious, I was thinking to create a small php/mysql application instead.


SLaks picture SLaks · Mar 17, 2010

You can do this much more elegantly with the VLOOKUP formula by making separate table mapping lower bounds to letters. The mapping table must be sorted by grade number ascending.

For example:


A     B
0     D
49.5  C-
54    C
59.5  C+
...   ...


=VLOOKUP(SomeCell, $A$1:$B$9, 2, TRUE)

Where $A$1:$B$9 is the range with the grade table. (The $ signs tell Excel not to move the reference if you copy the formula).
Passing TRUE as the last argument will cause Excel to do a binary search to find the value, which (as long as the data is sorted) is exactly what you want it to do.