Top "Epplus-4" questions

EPPlus is a .net library that reads and writes Excel 2007/2010 files using the Open Office Xml format (xlsx).

EPPlus - Read Excel Table

Using EPPlus, I want to read an excel table, then store all the contents from each column into its corresponding …

c# excel c#-4.0 epplus epplus-4
update existing workbook using epplus C#

I am trying to add new worksheet into existing workbook, code runs fine without any error. But changes are not …

c# excel epplus-4
How can I assign a color to a font in EPPlus?

I can set the background color of a cell or range of cells like so: rowRngprogramParamsRange.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.…

c# excel-2007 epplus epplus-4 system.drawing.color
Why is EPPlus telling me that I "Can't set color when patterntype is not set" when I have set PatternType?

I've got this code to try to style a header row: worksheet.Cells["A32:D32"].Style.Font.Name = "Georgia"; worksheet.…

c# excel epplus epplus-4
Worksheet position out of range. Connection Closed. When using EPPLUS

I am trying to open an XLSX file as a template (I have even used a blank XLSX file), using …

excel worksheet-function epplus worksheet epplus-4
EPPlus save two million rows with 200+ columns datatable to multiple excel files

I have function that saves all records from SQL table to excel worksheet using EPPlus. If I export small amount …

c# .net-4.5 epplus epplus-4
EPPLUS how to know the format of the Worksheet cell

I am using EPPlus to read excel sheets and load the data into datatable to perform further operations and then …

epplus epplus-4
EPplus To Insert X Number of Blank Rows

I have an instance where if a cell value is between 15 and 25 then I need to insert 10 blank rows, if …

c# epplus epplus-4