Top "Worksheet-function" questions

A worksheet function is represented by a keyword in an Excel formula that performs some action on input and returns output to the calling procedure, either a worksheet cell or another function.

Using MATCH() function with an unsorted list

I'm having an issue with a spreadsheet formula that uses the MATCH() function. =IFERROR(IF(LENB(Y2461)<> 0, "Complete", …

excel excel-formula worksheet-function array-formulas excel-match
Run-time error '9': Subscript out of range - only when Excel VBE is closed

All, I am facing an error with a some VBA code in an Excel macro. Here’s the workflow I …

excel vba worksheet-function subscript
Modify an Excel sheet from Matlab

Is it possible to open a worksheet in excel from matlab and edit the formulas? The idea is to automate …

excel matlab worksheet-function
Use Excel Match Result as Column Selection

I have a MATCH expression that returns the valid row number. I now need to combine this result with a …

excel worksheet-function excel-match
Excel Conditional Formatting Self Reference

I'm trying to do some conditional formatting in Excel 2003, what I want to do is have a cell go red …

excel worksheet-function conditional-formatting
Excel - Recursive VLookup

I recently came to know about Ctrl+Shift+Enter array formulas of Excel and currently still learning them. Coming to …

excel excel-2007 worksheet-function vlookup
Excel dynamic array formula

I have a workbook with 11 sheets for each month, and one summary sheet. On each sheet is a list of …

excel excel-formula worksheet-function array-formulas consolidation
Excel - Create chart from range of cells while excluding null values?

I've got this Excel sheet which basically contains a lot of data. Now, this Excel sheet is updated dynamically via …

excel charts worksheet-function named-ranges
Excel formula to sum non-overlapping ranges of cells?

Say I have numbers in A1 to A20 and I wanted to sum non-overlapping ranges of 5 cells in column A …

excel worksheet-function
Calculate Moving Average in Excel

I want to calculate a moving average of the last, say 20, numbers of a column. A problem is that some …

excel vba worksheet-function array-formulas