Top "Excel-match" questions

MATCH is an Excel function for searching for a specified value in a range of cells and it returns the relative position of the matched value in the given range.

If two cells match, return value from third

Here's a simple explanation of what I'm having trouble with. Column A: List of 2300 order numbers Column B: Email Address …

excel if-statement excel-formula excel-2013 excel-match
Comparing two columns, and returning a specific adjacent cell in Excel

I am using a combination of if, vlookup, match, iserror functions, and unfortunately I've not been able to find the …

excel vlookup formulas excel-match
Return Max Value of range that is determined by an Index & Match lookup

I need a cell to display the max value of a range who's row is defined by an index and …

excel excel-formula max excel-2010 excel-match
Why does Excel MATCH() not find a match?

I have a table with some numbers stored as text (UPC codes, so I don't want to lose leading zeros). …

excel excel-match
Lookup using INDEX and MATCH with two criteria

I am trying to achieve a basic lookup using INDEX and MATCH. My layout is: Sheet 1 NAME | SITE | DATE Sheet 2 …

excel excel-formula excel-2010 lookup excel-match
IFERROR, INDEX, MATCH returning zeros instead of blanks

I am using the following formula: =IFERROR(INDEX('Cleaned Post'!W:W,MATCH(Combined!$C2,'Cleaned Post'!$C:$C,0))," ") This …

excel excel-formula excel-match
Excel / VBA - Index Match function using Dynamic Ranges

How to effectively use an Index/Match formula in VBA? Background: I have a worksheet that relies heavily on the …

excel vba excel-formula excel-match
Can MATCH function in an array formula to return multiple matches?

I tried to use the MATCH function in an array formula to return multiple matches (by default it only returns …

excel vba array-formulas excel-match
Excel MATCH + COUNTIF function: retrieving the nth value in an array

I have a formula that I'm using in Excel to return the row # of the first item that matches a …

excel function countif excel-match