Top "Excel-2013" questions

The Excel-2013 tag is used for referencing the Excel Version 2013 spreadsheet application from Microsoft.

If two cells match, return value from third

Here's a simple explanation of what I'm having trouble with. Column A: List of 2300 order numbers Column B: Email Address …

excel if-statement excel-formula excel-2013 excel-match
Excel: Searching for multiple terms in a cell

I use this handy equation to search for a term inside of a cell in excel. =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("*Gingrich*",…

excel excel-2007 excel-formula excel-2010 excel-2013
Clear contents and formatting of an Excel cell with a single command

If you want to clear the contents of a cell or range in Microsoft Excel, you can use .ClearContents. If …

vba excel excel-2013
Number format in excel: Showing % value without multiplying with 100

When I set format of a cell as %, it automatically multiply the value with 100 & show the value. So 5.66 becomes 566 %. …

formatting excel-2007 excel-2010 excel-2013
Remove Duplicates from range of cells in excel vba

I'm trying to remove duplicates in excel 2013 VBA. but I'm getting error "object does not support this property or method". …

vba excel excel-2013
No Add-In Tab Though Add-In is Loaded and Working

I wrote an Excel VBA add-in over ten years ago, which uses the old Commandbars to put a menu in …

vba excel excel-2013
VBA for Excel throws "Object variable or with block variable not set" when there is no Object

In my code, I have declared these variables: Dim Field_Name, Datatype, row As Integer Then, inside a For loop, …

vba excel vb6 excel-2013
Calculating Standard Deviation with If in Excel

I have a dataset with two columns. One label and one number. Using sumif and countif, I managed to calculate …

excel excel-2013
What's the RIGHT way to reference named cells in Excel 2013 VBA? (I know I'm messing this up)

I have a cell (Ok there's a bunch but I'm just looking at one now) named "Classes". It's "C10" by …

vba excel excel-2013
be careful parts of your document may include personal information that cannot be removed by the Document Inspector

I use Excel 2013 and Power View and SQL Server 2008 R2. After create my Data Source and my chart in Excel …

sql-server excel excel-2013 powerpivot