Top "Excel-2013" questions

The Excel-2013 tag is used for referencing the Excel Version 2013 spreadsheet application from Microsoft.

Char type not defined

Dim myChar As Char throws Compile Error: "User-defined type not defined" What reference should I include to use Char type?

vba excel excel-2013
VBA - Check if named range is hidden. If not hidden, AutoFit cell Row height

I have a dynamic table that is tied to a SharePoint list. At any given time only 1 column will be …

vba excel excel-2013
Excel 2013 VBA Error

I am getting following error. Compile error: The code in this project must be updated for use on 64-bit systems. …

excel vba 64-bit excel-2013
Conditional formatting using the INDIRECT function fails with boolean AND or OR or with cells containing formulas

I have the following function for checking whether column L contains the word "completed" and I use INDIRECT to be …

excel excel-formula excel-2013 excel-r1c1-notation
TFS 2015 Web Access export to Excel

As mentioned in the title, is there a way from the web access of TFS 2015 to open a particular query …

tfs excel-2013 tfs-2015 tfs-web-access