Top "Windows-phone" questions


Develop for Windows Phone 7 (or 7.1) using Visual Studio 2012 (RTM,Premium)

Is it possible to get the WindowsPhone 7.1.1 sdk to work with Visual Studio 2012? Edit: As stated in the title of …

windows-phone-7 windows-phone-7.1 visual-studio-2012 windows-phone
Call back to main thread from a Task

As i don' know about threads much i have a question. I wanna do something in background and in background …

c# windows-phone-8 windows-phone
Image Source and Caching

I use the following code to show images from a webserver: <Image Source="{Binding Url}" /> The image gets …

c# windows-phone-8 windows-runtime windows-phone
Visual studio the project needs to be deployed before it can be started

When starting to test the application on Windows Phone (even a blank app) on emulator or device, this error is …

visual-studio-2015 windows-phone windows-mobile windows-phone-8-emulator
C# How to completely remove object from memory

I have a C# application consisting of a Pivot with multiple Pivotitems. The normal Pivotitems unload properly and do not …

c# xna windows-phone-8 windows-phone monogame
Sharing from Windows Phone 8

I am working on a Windows Phone 8 app and am trying to share content through the DataTransferManager. The Windows API …

c# windows-phone sharing windows-phone-8
C# - Save object to JSON file

I'm writing a Windows Phone Silverlight app. I want to save an object to a JSON file. I've written the …

c# json silverlight windows-phone isolatedstorage
How to run the Windows Phone 10 Emulator?

I'm lost while searching how to start the Windows Phone 10 Emulator. What I already did: I downloaded the Emulator image …

windows-phone hyper-v windows-phone-emulator
Windows Phone 8 Emulator: Access localhost

I created MVC4 Mobile Application using VS 2012 default template. It's working fine in desktop browser using http://localhost/mvcapplication1/ but …

localhost windows-phone windows-phone-8
How to prevent a backspace key stroke in a TextBox?

I want to suppress a key stroke in a TextBox. To suppress all keystrokes other than Backspace, I use the …

c# windows-phone-7 windows-phone keystroke backspace