How to prevent a backspace key stroke in a TextBox?

msbg picture msbg · Mar 9, 2013 · Viewed 16.1k times · Source

I want to suppress a key stroke in a TextBox. To suppress all keystrokes other than Backspace, I use the following:

    private void KeyBox_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
        e.Handled = true;

However, I only want to suppress keystrokes when the key pressed was Backspace. I use the following:

        if (e.Key == System.Windows.Input.Key.Back)
            e.Handled = true;

However, this does not work. The character behind the selection start is still deleted. I do get "TRUE" in the output, so the Back key is being recognized. How would I prevent the user from pressing backspace? (My reason for this is that I want to delete words instead of characters in some cases, and so I need to handle the back key press myself).)


Huy Nguyen picture Huy Nguyen · Aug 5, 2013

Just set e.SuppressKeyPress = true (in KeyDown event) when you want to suppress a keystroke. Ex, prevent backspace key change your text in textbox using the following code:

private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Back)
        e.SuppressKeyPress = true;