Top "Windows-phone" questions


How can i add AppBar in Windows Phone 8.1

In windows phone 8, its very easy to add an App Bar and manage it, but now i test new windows …

.net mobile windows-phone-8 windows-phone windows-phone-8.1
How can I get the Windows 8 Phone emulator to run via VirtualBox?

First I'm not sure my computer can handle the VirtualBox and Windows 8 phone emulator because there is no button for …

windows-8 windows-phone virtualbox windows-phone-8-emulator
Can't Deploy Universal App to Windows Phone 10 Technical Preview

Here's the details: Created a blank Universal Windows App in Visual Studio 2015 Set to ARM, Debug Attempt to deploy to …

windows-phone-8.1 windows-phone visual-studio-2015 windows-10-mobile
WP 8.1 Runtime code to make phone call, send SMS & send Email (not the Silverlight 8.1)

I'm writing an app which will make a phone call, send sms or email just like the People app in …

c# windows-phone-8.1 windows-phone sms phone-call
Why is there no Windows Phone version of Visual Studio Express 2013?

I'm planning a side project with some colleagues but not everyone has licenses. We were thinking of releasing an app …

windows-phone visual-studio-express visual-studio-2013 windows-8.1
XDomainRequest vs XMLHTTPRequest

We are creating an application using PixiJS which has a dynamic json loader in it. It loads the .json files …

javascript ajax internet-explorer windows-phone pixi.js
Images from Assets Folder are not working in UWP app

The Images are working in the MainPage, but I'm trying to Integrate it in an Navigational Panel Templete and the …

image xaml uwp windows-phone frame
Windows phone 8 emulator debugging doesn't work

Error: a specified communication resource (port) is already in use by another application This happens only on the Hyper-V emulator, …

debugging visual-studio-2012 windows-phone-7.1 windows-phone windows-phone-8
How to close a Windows Phone 8.1 app

In WP7 and WP8 I just needed to clear the backstack in a page, then press Back button and the …

c# xaml windows-runtime windows-phone windows-phone-8.1
How to show a comma separated number with StringFormat in XAML?

My code currently shows like this: 43521 reviews, I want it be like this: 43,521 reviews. How can I do that? and …

c# xaml windows-phone-8 windows-phone string-formatting