Top "Windows-phone" questions


Test Windows Phone 8 App on actual device

Is it possible to test my windows phone 8 app on an actual device, like Nokia Lumia 820 (NOT Simulator) before submitting …

windows-phone windows-phone-8
How do I use the new HttpClient from Windows.Web.Http to download an image?

Using Windows.Web.Http.HttpClient how can I download an image? I would like use this HttpClient because it is …

c# windows-phone windows-phone-8.1 windows-8.1 portable-class-library
Windows Phone 8.1 Universal App terminates on navigating back from second page?

I have 2 pages in my Windows Phone 8.1 Universal App. I navigate from Page1.xaml to Page2.xaml by using a …

c# navigation windows-phone windows-phone-8.1 win-universal-app
What does it take to run the Windows Phone 8 emulator?

With the release of Windows Phone 8 finally out there, we finally have access to the SDK. I've heard that it …

windows-phone windows-phone-8 windows-phone-8-emulator
How to convert JSON Array to List<>?

This is my json and I need to access the values under each object in the attendance array: {"name":" ","course":"","…

c# json windows-phone
how to deploy windows phone 10 application to a device?

I am using a Nokia lumia630 device, which uses latest windows 10 insider preview build available. i created a sample windows …

c# powershell deployment windows-phone windows-10
Windows Phone 8 Change Accent and Theme Colour

I am creating an Application for Windows Phone 8, and I would like to change the theme colour irrespective of the …

c# xaml colors windows-phone-8 windows-phone
Windows Phone 8 Startscreen Tile sizes and margins

I was wondering if someone knows the exact measurements of the new Windows Phone 8 Startscreen (for 480x800), i.e. margins (…

windows-phone windows-phone-8
Play an audio file in Windows 7 Phone

I am working on Windows 7 based application development in Silverlight. I have not been able to find a way to …

silverlight audio windows-phone
Remove all child elements from a StackPanel

I have the following xaml code: //some code <ListBox> <StackPanel Name="Mess"> </StackPanel> </…

c# windows-phone