Top "Windows-messages" questions

Questions about various messages in a Windows system.

Using PostMessage/SendMessage to send keys to c# IE WebBrowser

I am trying to auto fill in values in the C# webbrowser control and tab and enter and press up …

c# pinvoke windows-messages
Form WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP messages aren't captured in WndProc

Form keydown and keyup messages aren't captured: public partial class Form1 : Form { const int WM_KEYDOWN = 0x100; const int WM_…

c# wndproc windows-messages
C# - Capturing Windows Messages from a specific application

I'm writing a C# application which needs to intercept Window Messages that another applications is sending out. The company who …

c# .net c++ mfc windows-messages
Where to find info about WM Windows Message codes?

I see here and there pro users answer lots of noobs like me questions with things like WM_PAINT = 0xf …

c# winforms windows-messages
Get child window handles in C#

I'm starting a process in C# and then sending Windows messages to that process with SendMessage. Usually I send the …

c# windows windows-messages window-handles
Delphi custom message handlers

When a user double-clicks a dbgrid, I show a non-modal form. When they close that form, I want to refresh …

delphi windows-messages
How do I stop Windows from blocking the program during a window drag or menu button being held down?

I am novice with Win32, and I have been pursuing a problem (if it can be called a problem at …

c++ c winapi windows-messages
Is a mouse click a WM_* message or a combination of up & down messages?

I'm used to working with a Windows framework that provides events for things like a mouse click or a mouse …

windows mouse windows-messages
why not to send WM_PAINT manually

I have read that I should never send WM_PAINT manually and should call InvalidateRect instead but didn't found anything …

c++ winapi windows-messages wm-paint
Using WM_SHOWWINDOW to Show a Window instead of ShowWindow()

I’m trying to use the SendMessage function of a hotkey utility (or NirCMD, etc.) to get a hidden window …

windows winapi sendmessage windows-messages