Top "Wm-paint" questions

WM_PAINT is a central message in the classic Microsoft Windows API.

SetWindowsHookEx in C#

I'm trying to hook a 3rd party app so that I can draw to its screen. Drawing to the screen …

c# setwindowshookex wm-paint
C++ WinAPI TextOut() update text

I'm creating a Windows application with WinAPI. I'm using the TextOut() function to display updated text to the user when …

c++ windows winapi wm-paint textout
why not to send WM_PAINT manually

I have read that I should never send WM_PAINT manually and should call InvalidateRect instead but didn't found anything …

c++ winapi windows-messages wm-paint
On Win32, can I disable painting of a window for a period of time?

Is there a function that will freeze window repainting for some time, while I do changes to the layout of …

c++ windows winapi wm-paint