Top "Window-handles" questions

Windows OS is full of windows, even objects inside windows as we know them are also windows.

Check if any alert exists using selenium with python

I'm trying to write a test with selenium in python language for a web page that manages users. In this …

python selenium testing alert window-handles
How do I get the handle of a console application's window

Can someone tell me how to get the handle of a Windows console application in C#? In a Windows Forms …

c# console hwnd window-handles
How to convert IntPtr to int

A window handle sometimes of type int and other times of type IntPtr int example: [DllImport("user32.dll")] static extern …

c# window-handles
Selenium webdriver window handles c# switchTo failed

Here comes 2 windows pop out during the testing. my code: string BaseWindow = driver.CurrentWindowHandle; ReadOnlyCollection<string> handles = driver.…

c# selenium for-loop webdriver window-handles
C++: Best way to get Window Handle of the only window from a process by process id, process handle and title name

I'm looking for the best way to get a Window Handle in the following situation: I have the process id …

c++ winapi window-handles
C# Process.MainWindowHandle always returns IntPtr Zero

this is my code: using (Process game = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName="DatabaseCheck.exe", RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true, UseShellExecute = false })) { …

c# process intptr window-handles
Get all window handles for a process

Using Microsoft Spy++, I can see that the following windows that belong to a process: Process XYZ window handles, displayed …

c# .net process window-handles
C# window positioning

Using Windows Forms I wanted to position window into specific coords. I thought it can be done in a simple …

c# winforms positioning window-handles
C# get window handle after starting a process

Is there a way to get the window handle (IntPtr) for a window after its launched from a C# app …

c# window-handles
Increasing no of file handles in Windows 7 64 bit

I have an application that has 10000 threads running at a time. Each thread opens the same file. The problem is …

windows window-handles