Top "Hwnd" questions

The Microsoft Windows operating environment identifies each form in an application by assigning it a handle, or hWnd.

How can I tell if a window has focus? (Win32 API)

Using the Win32 API (in C, but that's inconsequential), how can I tell if a given window (identified by HWND) …

windows winapi hwnd
Difference between HANDLE and HWND in Windows API?

I'm trying to use function SetForegroundWindow(HWND hWnD). I have some handles but it's not working as parameter of above …

winapi hwnd handles
Get hwnd by process id c++

How can I get the HWND of application, if I know the process ID? Anyone could post a sample please? …

c++ get pid hwnd
How do I get the handle of a console application's window

Can someone tell me how to get the handle of a Windows console application in C#? In a Windows Forms …

c# console hwnd window-handles
In Java Swing how do you get a Win32 window handle (hwnd) reference to a window?

In Java 1.4 you could use ((SunToolkit) Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).getNativeWindowHandleFromComponent() but that was removed. It looks like you have to use …

java winapi swing java-native-interface hwnd
Get HWND of each Window?

I am developing a python application and I want to get the HWND of each open windows. I need the …

python windows hwnd
What is the correct way to use ShellExecute() in C to open a .txt

Alright so i need to open a .txt file that will be created in the same file as the program. …

c windows parameters hwnd
Loading a WPF Window without showing it

I create a global hot key to show a window by PInvoking RegisterHotKey(). But to do this I need that …

wpf window hwnd
Get hWnd of the current window/form in VB6?

Ho do I get hWnd of the current window/form in VB6?

vb6 hwnd
Insert text into the textbox of another application

How do I, using C# or C++, insert text into the textbox of another application? I did this a long …

c# c++ ipc hwnd inter-process-communicat