Top "Hwnd" questions

The Microsoft Windows operating environment identifies each form in an application by assigning it a handle, or hWnd.

getting the HWND for my own application in C

since I couldn't find an answer to this question I researched a bit further into the MSDN and I found …

c windows hwnd
FindWindow() doesn't find my window [C++]

This is not a complex question. I'm having trouble finding the handle that belongs to iTunes. But although iTunes is …

hwnd findwindow
How can I tell if a given hWnd is still valid?

I'm using a third-party class that spawns an instance of Internet Explorer. This class has a property, hWnd, that returns …

c# winforms handle hwnd
Get Window Handle (HWND) of a window created by a library call

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I do not have source code for the DLL that creates window, so I can't …

c++ visual-studio winapi hwnd
C++ Changing HWND Window Procedure in runtime

I'm working in an IDE which creates a hwnd and its respective WndProc LRESULT CALLBACK. I need to change the …

c++ winapi runtime wndproc hwnd
"SendMessage" to 3 different processes in C++

I want to send keystrokes to multiple processes. For example, if I press “1”, then I want to send the “1” to 3 "…

c++ windows key sendmessage hwnd
Global hotkey with WIN32 API?

I've been able to set local hotkeys like this RegisterHotKey(hwndDlg, 100, MOD_ALT | MOD_CONTROL, 'S'); How can I set …

c++ winapi hwnd registerhotkey
C# show hidden window

I am developing an add in for excel. At some point, I can receive async events. I need to be …

c# windows hwnd
How do I clear a Direct2D render target to fully transparent

I'm trying to draw semi-transparent rectangles on an invisible HWND. However, clearing the window with ID2D1HwndRenderTarget::Clear just …

c++ c transparency hwnd direct2d
QT5 QPlatformNativeInterface and HWND

In one of the answers to Get HWND on windows with Qt5 (from WId) it is suggested to employ QPlatformNativeInterface …

qt5 hwnd qtgui wid