Top "Findwindow" questions

FindWindow is a Win32 API function from user32.

FindWindowEx from user32.dll is returning a handle of Zero and error code of 127 using dllimport

I need to handle another windows application programatically, searching google I found a sample which handles windows calculator using DLLImport …

c# winapi pinvoke dllimport findwindow
FindWindow FindWindowEx

I have written a program that is to find a box in another program and set focus to it. Once … findwindow findwindowex
How to find a child HWND of a child window of a child window (3 levels deep) with Win32 API?

Suppose I've this Window hierarchy for one of the processes: Main Window (class name: XYZ_Widget_1) `- Child Window (class …

api winapi findwindow findwindowex
How to use win32gui FindWindow with Wildcard

I am trying to find if Microsoft excel has an open window import win32ui import time def WindowExists(windowname): …

python pywin32 findwindow
FindWindow() doesn't find my window [C++]

This is not a complex question. I'm having trouble finding the handle that belongs to iTunes. But although iTunes is …

hwnd findwindow
Click on button in another program - FindWindow, C#

I'm trying to create a program that will be able to control another program (in Windows). I found this code: // …

c# findwindow
Get window handle from window class name

I'm trying to get a window handle on a child window in my process and the only information I have …

c# winapi window-handles findwindow
Findwindow and SendMessage

I am trying to figure out why this is not sending a ALT+F to notepad, Private Declare Function FindWindow1 …

vb6 sendmessage findwindow
How to use Control.FromHandle?

I saw a method called Control.FromHandle which (should) give you the access to it. Now, I wanted to try …

c# forms controls handle findwindow SendMessage waiting problem

I am using the following code to click a button for displaying another form to click on: Dim hwnd As … visual-studio-2010 sendmessage findwindow