Top "Intptr" questions

IntPtr is a .NET Framework platform-specific type that is used to represent a pointer or a handle.

Just what is an IntPtr exactly?

Through using IntelliSense and looking at other people's code, I have come across this IntPtr type; every time it has …

c# intptr
C# how to get Byte[] from IntPtr

I have a .dll(not my own) that has a delegate. This delegate Callback function is: "CallBackFN(ushort opCOde, IntPtr …

c# byte bytearray intptr
Why / when to use `intptr_t` for type-casting in C?

I have a question regarding using intptr_t vs. long int. I've observed that incrementing memory addresses (e.g. via …

c memory-management types casting intptr
C# - How To Convert Object To IntPtr And Back?

I want to pass an object from managed code to a WinApi function as IntPtr. It will pass this object …

c# winapi callback marshalling intptr
How to get window's position?

I'd like to know the way of getting process'es window position. I've been looking for that on the internet but …

c# process window position intptr
IntPtr to Byte Array and Back

Referencing How to get IntPtr from byte[] in C# I am attempting to read the data that an IntPtr is …

c# interop marshalling intptr
Using intptr_t instead of void*?

Is it a good idea to use intptr_t as a general-purpose storage (to hold pointers and integer values) instead …

c pointers 32bit-64bit void-pointers intptr
Copy data from from IntPtr to IntPtr

I have two IntPtr values pointing to some data areas of length bytes. length may have an order of magnitude …

c# intptr
C# Process.MainWindowHandle always returns IntPtr Zero

this is my code: using (Process game = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName="DatabaseCheck.exe", RedirectStandardOutput = true, CreateNoWindow = true, UseShellExecute = false })) { …

c# process intptr window-handles
Can IntPtr be cast into a byte array without doing a Marshal.Copy?

I want to get data from an IntPtr pointer into a byte array. I can use the following code to …

c# .net intptr