Top "Whitespace" questions

Whitespace, or white space, is often used to refer to any combination of spaces, tabs, and new lines which create blank space between text, either horizontally or vertically.

Non breaking space in XAML vs. code

This works fine, and correctly inserts non-breaking spaces into the string: <TextBlock Text="Non&#160;Breaking&#160;Text&#160;…

wpf silverlight xaml silverlight-4.0 whitespace
.gitignore entire directory with whitespace in name

Goal Trying to ignore the annoyingly-named "TextMesh Pro" directory, underneath an "Assets" folder (full path from the root where .gitignore …

git directory whitespace unity5 ignore
Show only whitespaces in Atom (not EOL)

If I choose Show Invisibles in Atom settings, then all invisible characters become visible: I would like to hide EOLs, …

whitespace atom-editor eol
Writing white-space delimited text to be human readable in Python

I have a list of lists that looks something like this: data = [['seq1', 'ACTAGACCCTAG'], ['sequence287653', 'ACTAGNACTGGG'], ['s9', …

python whitespace human-readable
Rscript file path with space

I am trying to run the following R script in windows shell: Rscript C:/Documents/Folder name containing space/myscript.…

r cmd whitespace rscript
How to disable auto changing tabs to spaces in the code in Intellij Idea?

How to disable auto changing tabs to spaces and removing empty lines, whitespaces in the sourcefiles after it opened? In …

intellij-idea whitespace indentation autoformatting
Changing the color of the whitespace indicator in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio we can show white space by CTRL+R, CTRL+W. But how can we change the color …

visual-studio editor whitespace indicator
Elasticsearch "pattern_replace", replacing whitespaces while analyzing

Basically I want to remove all whitespaces and tokenize the whole string as a single token. (I will use nGram …

elasticsearch whitespace tokenize removing-whitespace
How can I control whitespace after an action in html/template?

I am having a problem controlling whitespace and still formatting html/template templates in a readable fashion. My templates look …

templates go whitespace go-html-template
Is it possible to change width of tab symbol in textarea?

By default tab symbol in textarea equals to the width of 8 spaces. Is it possible to change this value to 4 …

html css textarea whitespace