Top "Rscript" questions

Rscript (Rscript.

Passing command line arguments to R CMD BATCH

I have been using R CMD BATCH my_script.R from a terminal to execute an R script. I am …

r rscript
Determine path of the executing script

I have a script called foo.R that includes another script other.R, which is in the same directory: #!/usr/…

r file path rscript r-faq
Rscript: There is no package called ...?

I want to run R files in batch mode using Rscript, however it does not seem to be loading the …

r packages rscript
A web interface to an R program

I have to develop a web interface allowing the user to enter some inputs that will be passed to an …

r web rscript
How to run an R script file from the command line

I know there are a lot of questions regarding this issue but I've tried everything and I think I just …

r command-line rscript
print vs. echo in R

I'm running a batch process using Rscript. I would like to print messages to screen just like "echo" does in …

r echo batch-processing rscript
Capturing Rscript errors in an output file

Unlike the similar command R CMD BATCH which by default produces an output file which contains any error messages which …

linux r rscript
/usr/bin/env: RScript: No such file or directory | After recent R-3.0.1. installation.

I am a bit lost when dealing with installing and using R. I installed R 3.0.1 from source and did the ./…

r path environment-variables rscript
Why (or when) is Rscript (or littler) better than R CMD BATCH?

I am automating some webscraping with R in cron and sometimes I use R CMD BATCH and sometimes I use …

r batch-file cmd cron rscript
call R script from Shiny App

I developed a shiny app which displays some dynamic charts. These charts are generated at execution time according to the …

r shiny rscript