Top "Go-html-template" questions

Relating to using the html/template package.

How to compare the length of a list in html/template in golang?

I am trying to compare the length of a list in golang html/template. But it is loading forever in …

html go equals go-html-template
Format float in golang html/template

I want to format float64 value to 2 decimal places in golang html/template say in index.html file. In .go …

go format go-html-template
mgo convert bson.objectId to string(hex) in html template

I know this problem maybe duplicate to this one. But it hasn't get a satisfied answer till now. And I …

go mgo objectid go-html-template
How to specify the file location for `template.ParseFiles` in Go Language?

After I watched this video, I try it myself. However, I get the panic error panic: open templates/index.html: …

go path go-html-template
How can I control whitespace after an action in html/template?

I am having a problem controlling whitespace and still formatting html/template templates in a readable fashion. My templates look …

templates go whitespace go-html-template
How to validate html email templates?

I am using telerik reporting tool to generate reports in different formats, .pdf,.html, .doc, .txt etc. Some of our …

html css html-email go-html-template